Supporting candidates who are strategically and intentionally focused on solutions to complex public policy.
Sigma PAC 1914, Inc. (the “PAC”) is a general-purpose political action committee, and is organized and administered under the provisions of the New Jersey Nonprofit Corporation Ace, NJSA 15A:11 et seq., as amended and supplemented (the “Act”). The PAC is established to support candidates who support the PAC’s social, civic, business, and political interests. The PAC intends to make contributions and support candidates seeking elected office on all levels of government, and support candidates who are strategically and intentionally focused on solutions to complex public policy problems, including but not limited to: enhanced gun control/gun rights legislation, improving public education, expanding economic development opportunities for Blacks and other people and communities of color (or particularly historically disadvantaged communities), promoting equality for all, promoting healthcare, improved public transportation, and helping to provide hope of an American dream where all people are on a level playing field.
The purpose of the PAC is also to educate the perspective communities of current candidates running for office, support candidates through political advocacy and community support programs, and hold candidates accountable to serve on all levels faithfully. The PAC believes that education is the primary focus of its purpose because individuals cannot be motivated to take action without knowing what is important to them and who wants to represent them. Consequently, the PAC shall promote candidates that the PAC believes will positively impact all Americans, particularly Blacks and communities of color. The PAC understands that to make significant progress; it must work actively to identify, select, and support leaders representing the PAC’s interests.